I have been obsessed with animals my whole life. Lived on an equine farm for several years. Took care of a cat colony with my sister. Went through every animal course that was available to me in school. Did an internship with a veterinarian to earn my CIV. Interned with several dog trainers the last 9 years. Volunteered at many humane societies and a miniature horse therapy farm. I worked for a pet store for nine years and a dog trainer for 3 years. We have had several different kinds of pets and love all sorts of creatures.

Gliss was born into the pet industry and took to it like a fish to water. She helps out anyway she can and absolutely loves taking care of animals.

James worked in the pet industry for 5 years between a pet store and a groomer. He is the VP of Treat Distribution. The dogs always know they can get him to do whatever they want, whether it be throwing a ball or handing out treats.